Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

When Car Accident Myths Take Over

by Becky Freeman

When you've been hurt in a car accident, you might find yourself in no mood to think about financial compensation. Sooner or later, however, your budget will begin to feel the pinch of lost wages, a lack of transportation, and other financial problems common to car accidents. It's all-too-easy to spend too much time worrying about what might happen and not taking the actions you need to take. Read on to find out how easy and damaging it might be to allow these car accident myths to take over.

The Accident Report Proves My Case

While the accident report is undoubtedly an important part of your accident case, you will need so much more than that to prove your case. The accident report contains valuable information about the accident, road conditions, contact information, and most importantly, the opinion as to the cause of the wreck by the responding law enforcement officer. This information is an excellent starting point to get your case started and the information within it can be considered building blocks upon which your personal injury attorney will build your case. Unfortunately, you should realize that you cannot use the accident report if you end up taking your case to trial. Accident reports are inadmissible in court. Your attorney knows how to extract vital information out of the report and use it your advantage, however. A complete personal injury case stands on a full suite of evidence such as:

  • Photographs
  • Eye-witness statements
  • Medical records

and more.

I've Waited Too Long to File My Claim

Most people are alarmed when they notice injuries from the accident they had several weeks ago crop up again or worsen. Some accident injuries are tricky and the full effects make take their time to show up. Before you resign yourself to suffering without compensation, speak to a personal injury attorney. While taking timely action on a claim is wise, you probably still have time to seek money damages. One common car accident injury, for example, is a head injury. This type of injury can take time for the full effect to be known. In most cases, accident victims have at least a year or more to take legal action. I'm an Honest Person and Have No Problem Discussing the Accident

You will be called by the insurance adjuster for the other side but you should understand that you do not have to speak to them. The issue is not your honesty but the motive of the adjuster who is attempting to catch you misspeaking about the case. What might seem an error due to being nervous to you could end up casting doubt on your share of the blame for the wreck. Never speak to the other side but do speak to a personal injury attorney about your case at your earliest convenience.


About Me

Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

Hello and welcome, I'm Winfred Paulo. I have a passion for civil court cases of all kinds. Some time back, I ended up in the thick of a civil case after a lengthy dispute with my neighbor. The dispute went on for years and ended badly with an incident that landed us both in court. We had to prove our side of the case in an effort to obtain a positive outcome and recoup our losses. Unfortunately, I lost the case due to a lack of evidence. Since then, I've maintain a strong interest in civil cases and their proceedings. I will share information about civil cases on this site to help others understand these proceedings better. I may talk about legal terms, and expected outcomes for each case type. I hope you visit often to learn more. Thanks for stopping by my website.