Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

  • Ways To Argue For Mistaken Identity Following A Burglary Charge

    When it comes to building a defense after you've been charged with burglary, there are many different strategies that you can consider. Of course, you and your criminal defense attorney will want to evaluate the evidence against you, and it can be instrumental in helping you to choose what type of defense you'll argue. Don't discount the value of a simple defense — arguing that this was a case of mistaken identity.

  • Questions You Should Ask When Searching For A Family Law Attorney

    Family law matters can be difficult to deal with, so you need a qualified attorney to help you navigate your situation. Research is an important part of choosing a family law attorney. whether you have to deal with custody, spousal support, or child support modification, you need the best you can find. Here are some questions to keep in mind as you do your research. How Long Have You Worked in Family Law?

  • 3 Tips To Handle A Wrongful Termination

    Today's workforce is protected by federal and state laws that govern how an employer must calculate and pay wages. While most people are aware of their right to make at least the federal minimum wage, it is still possible that they might not realize when their employer is breaking other wage and hour laws. Whether you were denied overtime or asked to work more hours than what is considered safe within your industry, you had to stand up for what is right.

  • Countries Which May Have A Big Problem With Immigration To The U.S.

    There is this little-known list of countries for which a ban is run and operated by the immigration department of the United States. People from those countries who are already residing in the U.S. may return to these countries, but it may be nearly impossible to come back after they visit their homelands. If you really need to return to your native country for a visit, but your country is on the list of banned nations for immigration, you are going to need some major legal assistance from an immigration attorney.

  • How House Arrest Works

    If you are charged with any type of crime that could result in jail time, there is a chance you might be able to forego the jail time and serve your sentence through house arrest. House arrest is an alternative option for a jail sentence, but it requires following strict rules. Here are several things to understand about house arrest, how it works, and what is expected of you if you serve your sentence with this method.

About Me

Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

Hello and welcome, I'm Winfred Paulo. I have a passion for civil court cases of all kinds. Some time back, I ended up in the thick of a civil case after a lengthy dispute with my neighbor. The dispute went on for years and ended badly with an incident that landed us both in court. We had to prove our side of the case in an effort to obtain a positive outcome and recoup our losses. Unfortunately, I lost the case due to a lack of evidence. Since then, I've maintain a strong interest in civil cases and their proceedings. I will share information about civil cases on this site to help others understand these proceedings better. I may talk about legal terms, and expected outcomes for each case type. I hope you visit often to learn more. Thanks for stopping by my website.