Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

  • What Factors Affect The Outcome Of A Child Custody Case?

    Are you heading into a major child custody case in your divorce? If you are, you might be worried that you will not end up with custody of your children even though you really want to. In cases where spouses fight over the kids, the court generally ends up making the decision for them and understanding the factors courts use to determine the verdict can be helpful for you as you work through this battle.

  • Five Important Things Your Attorney Can Do In Your Auto Accident Case

    Being in an auto accident is a scary and stressful experience. This is especially true if you become badly injured as the result of the accident. You should always put some thought into whether or not you should pursue compensation after an auto accident. If you feel that your insurance company or another driver's insurance company hasn't compensated you adequately for your losses, you might want to hire an auto accident lawyer.

  • Why You May Have To Pay Child Support For A Child In College

    Some people assume that child support obligations end when a child joins college, but that is not necessarily the case. Below are some of the cases where child support obligations may continue during the college years. State Laws Call for Support Child support laws vary by state. Some states explicitly call for child support for children in college. Other states absolve parents from child support when children are in their college years.

  • Ways To Argue For Mistaken Identity Following A Burglary Charge

    When it comes to building a defense after you've been charged with burglary, there are many different strategies that you can consider. Of course, you and your criminal defense attorney will want to evaluate the evidence against you, and it can be instrumental in helping you to choose what type of defense you'll argue. Don't discount the value of a simple defense — arguing that this was a case of mistaken identity.

  • Questions You Should Ask When Searching For A Family Law Attorney

    Family law matters can be difficult to deal with, so you need a qualified attorney to help you navigate your situation. Research is an important part of choosing a family law attorney. whether you have to deal with custody, spousal support, or child support modification, you need the best you can find. Here are some questions to keep in mind as you do your research. How Long Have You Worked in Family Law?

  • About Me

    Exploring Civil Case Proceedings

    Hello and welcome, I'm Winfred Paulo. I have a passion for civil court cases of all kinds. Some time back, I ended up in the thick of a civil case after a lengthy dispute with my neighbor. The dispute went on for years and ended badly with an incident that landed us both in court. We had to prove our side of the case in an effort to obtain a positive outcome and recoup our losses. Unfortunately, I lost the case due to a lack of evidence. Since then, I've maintain a strong interest in civil cases and their proceedings. I will share information about civil cases on this site to help others understand these proceedings better. I may talk about legal terms, and expected outcomes for each case type. I hope you visit often to learn more. Thanks for stopping by my website.