Bankruptcy Problems: Understanding Adversary Actions
If you've made a vow to take hold of your financial situation and set things right, you may be considering the fresh start that a bankruptcy might bring to you. Sometimes you may encounter issues that can delay or prolong your bankruptcy proceedings. Being forewarned is being forearmed, so read on to learn about some issues that could arise in your bankruptcy case. Adversary Actions It's important to understand that a bankruptcy adversary proceeding will be filed under its own case number, though it will be connected to your bankruptcy case.
Do You Make Too Much Money To Declare Bankruptcy?
Many people suffering from financial problems never even consider that they may not be able to actually file for bankruptcy if they make too much money. After all, no matter how much money you make, you can still get in over your head with spending and debt. The debt relief that a bankruptcy offers can be quick and bring a welcoming peace. No more collection calls or letters, temporary relief from eviction or foreclosure and more can follow if you are allowed to file.
Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Custody Case
If you're hoping to get more time with your kids while working out a new custody agreement, there are some simple things you can do to make your case strong. You don't need to have a ton of ammunition against another parent -- instead, you just need to make sure you are doing what you can to show you are capable, available, and caring parent for your children. Here are some simple things every parent can do to make winning more time a reality.
8 Benefits Of Obtaining U.S. Citizenship
Becoming a U.S. citizen isn't an overnight process. There are a number of steps involved, and determining your eligibility is at the top of the list, as is seeking legal counsel. If you're wondering whether obtaining citizenship is worth the process, it's important to examine the legal benefits and compare them with the cost of passing up the opportunity. Here are just some of the things you stand to gain if you decide to become a U.
3 Things You Are Responsible For Following A Car Accident
Following a car accident, there are a variety of things that you are responsible for taking care of, especially if you want to get a fair settlement for the damage to your vehicle and for your medical bills. #1 File A Police Report After you have been in an accident, you need to make sure that you file a police report. If possible, stay at the scene of the accident until the police arrive.