The Immigrating Student: Five Tips For Getting Married On An F-1 Visa
Every immigration case is different. If you are a college student on an F-1 visa in the United States, you'll have some obstacles if you meet someone who you want to marry. It is possible to marry and legally become a permanent resident, but it takes some time, money, and effort. If you are planning on marrying while in the US on an F-1 visa, these tips will help you to make the journey as easy as possible.
5 Types Of Errors Doctors Make When Administering General Anesthesia
General anesthesia causes a loss of consciousness during surgery, eliminating pain and erasing the memory of going through such an invasive procedure. Although general anesthesia has been in use for more than 100 years, anesthesiologists and other medical professionals still make administration errors on a regular basis. Because anesthesia errors can lead to cardiac arrest, impaired respiratory function, and other serious problems, it is important to talk to a personal injury attorney if your anesthesiologist makes one of these mistakes.
After The Divorce Checklist: 3 Essential Things You Must Do
Divorces can take a long time from start to finish, but even when a divorce is legally executed, there are still things that must be done. As your divorce is coming to a close, now is the time to start thinking about these things and taking care of them. Here are three things that you may need to do once the judge approves the dissolution of your marriage. Follow Through with Divorce Decree
Under-Age Injury: When Children Sue Their Parents
When you think of personal injury lawsuits, you probably think of typical slip-and-fall cases or car accidents. Some truly bizarre cases often make headlines, but a new phase in personal injury include children who take their parents to court on injury charges. Can a child really win a case against their own parent in court? Check out some of these circumstances that could spell a win for a child. College Tuition
Are Minors Covered Under Workers' Compensation?
When people think of workplace injuries, they tend to focus on adults who are hurt on the job. The reality is that teens can and do sustained injuries while at their places of employment. According to some statistics, as many as 27,000 teens are hurt badly enough on the job to require hospitalization. Despite being minors, underage employees are also covered by workers' compensation and eligible for the same rights and benefits.